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Most people think of guardianships or conservatorships as being for minors, but a guardianship can be established for a person of any age. Guardianships are established for people who cannot care for themselves, such as individuals with acquired brain injuries or those suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Establishing Guardianship

The process of applying for guardianship for a loved one can be daunting and confusing. The Law Office of Christina Lesher guides families through the application process. We explain the requirements starting with the submission of a doctor’s letter and application as well as what annual filings the court will require.

The process of establishing a guardianship may include the appointment of a guardian ad litem. The court appoints the guardian ad litem, who then visits and investigates the proposed guardian and reports to the Court. The guardian ad litem represents the best interest of the proposed incapacitated person. The court will appoint an attorney ad litem, who will represent the legal interest of the incapacitated person. Christina Lesher has served as a guardian ad litem in many cases.

For the purpose of establishing a guardianship, the Texas Probate Code § 601 (14) (A) (B) defines an incapacitated person as:

"...a minor or an adult individual who because of a physical
or mental condition is substantially unable to provide
food, clothing, or shelter for himself or herself, to
care for the individual's own health or to manage
the individual's own financial affairs."

Establishing a guardianship is only part of the task of providing for the care of an incapacitated person however.

Each year the guardian must prepare and submit to the court an annual report and accounting that summarizes the financial, medical, and other assistance provided to the ward.

Christina Lesher helps clients:

  • Establish guardianships
  • Prepare and submit the Annual Report to the Court
  • Comply with all of the laws and duties relating to the guardianship

Christina Lesher understands the complex and cumbersome laws that govern guardianships in Texas. She can help you establish and administer a guardianship, so you can take care of your loved one.

To learn more about guardianship or arrange for an initial consultation with Christina Lesher, call (713) 529-5900 or use the contact form on the page.

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