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Elder Law Resources

At the Law Office of Christina Lesher, we help families deal with critical matters of elder care law, such as Medicaid, Miller trusts, Special Needs trusts, guardianships, estate planning, and probate administration.

In providing these legal services, our goal is to ease the financial and emotional burdens that the elderly and their families face, protect their assets, and provide peace of mind and a sense of security for those involved. The articles below contain useful information on elder law topics.

Community Resource Assistance

Christina Lesher and her firm’s care manager assist families in transportation, nutrition, home care services, respite care, adult day care, job placement for people with special needs, counseling, assisting with behavior issues, and housing options. Our geriatric care manager offers a valuable perspective on arranging for home care, determining when the “right” time is for in-home care, and whether assisted living or nursing home placement is appropriate.

Choosing a Nursing Home in Houston

Houston attorney, Christina Lesher, brings a holistic view to the practice of elder law. We are a safe haven for seniors as well as a one-stop shop for professionals who work with the elderly and disabled. We advocate on behalf of the “whole person.” We offer a wide range of other useful services, such as referring clients to appropriate community services for individual needs such as transportation, adult day program, and discussing criteria for choosing long-term care insurance or long-term care facilities, such as a nursing home.

The Law Office of Christina Lesher has the experience necessary to help you evaluate the appropriateness of your nursing home choice on the basis of a number of other factors, including location, quality of staff, as well as the legal matters involving Medicaid, Medicare Plan D prescription drug plan coverage, and contracts. We also work with local geriatric care managers to assist with care monitoring and choosing a nursing home or assisted living facility. Geriatric care managers are trained professionals (usually with a background in nursing or social work) who help families with long-term care needs.

Get Help From A Geriatric Care Manager

Contact us to schedule a consultation with a lawyer.  Attorney Christina Lesher will listen to your concerns and explore ways in which we can help. Together with a geriatric care manager, we are ready to evaluate all aspects of your situation and assist you in the important job of choosing a nursing home. We are well qualified to review contracts and advise you of the legal aspects of nursing home residence. If you believe you may qualify for Medicaid eligibility, your loved one will need to be in a Medicaid facility, in a Medicaid bed – this is not always an easy task.

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